Kit Carson
As winter strangled the wilderness, John C. Fremont needed to get his expedition party to California. Facing sub-zero temperatures, meager food supplies, and American Indian warriors on their trail, the explorer counted on one man to lead the way: Kit Carson. The mountain man and scout knew the uncharted West better than anyone. Carson led the party through the deep snow over the Sierra Nevada Mountains to their destination. Fremont reported Carson's courageous deeds and exceptional skills, and the mountain man became a national hero. Authors William R. Sanford and Carl R. Green explore the life of this American frontier legend.
* Reviews *
These short biographies will pique the interests of young readers looking for an exciting history lesson. Each book offers an overview of the adventurous lives of popular figures of the American West, and serves as an excellent platform for further research. Simple sentence structure and concise chapters make these books appropriate for struggling readers. Each overall work compares legend with fact to deliver a balanced summary of the subject's life. B&w illustrations including maps, drawings, and photographs enhance the text. Bibliography. Glossary Websites. Index., Library Media Connection May/June 2013