Potbellied Pigs
You may think that potbellied pigs belong on farms, but would you consider letting one into your living room? Potbellied pigs are just one of the great far-out and unusual pets that you might want to add to your family. Authors Alvin and Virginia Silverstein and Laura Silverstein Nunn give readers a fun and fact-filled view into the lives of these animals and what it takes to care for a potbellied pig.
* Reviews *
The authors have added another Cool Pet! book to the Far-Out and Unusual Pets series. This is an informative guide for new pet owners as well as a brief history of potbellied pigs in the United States. Potbellied pigs are miniature pigs that reach no more than 150 pounds. Some dogs weigh more than a potbelly. Potbellies were kept as pets as long as 8,000 years ago. In the 1950s, Vietnamese potbellies were brought to Europe; they reached North America in the 1980s. They soon became popular pets. As with other pets, potbellied pigs need certain care. As they grow bigger, they may need special housing, although they like to be around people and can live happily in family homes. They can also be trained to use litter boxes. Potbellies, like all animals, can get bored; if left unattended in a home, they can cause damage. Potbellies also like to sleep with piles of pillows or comforters. In warm weather, they enjoy cooling down in a pool of mud. Potbellies love to eat and will look everywhere for food. They like leafy greens and vegetables and fruits, although they can be fed a special pig food. These pigs can also learn to do tricks. They live about fifteen years. They are certainly a different kind of pet, but can offer companionship and enjoyment for many years. Color photographs, sidebars, a glossary, and lists of related books and web sites are included., Children's Literature