Geometry Smarts!
The basics of geometry, lines, angles, planes, rays, are a great beginning. Geometry, which means "earth measure" is used to measure anything on earth. No matter what size a rectangle is, whether it be a computer chip, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, or a city block, you can always find its area by multiplying length by width. Readers also learn about polygons, triangles, circles, congruent figures, symmetry, and cones, as well as areas, perimeters, circumferences, volumes, and more.
* Reviews *
This clearly written series provides definitions and examples of many concepts. The simple but effective explanations are consistent throughout all the books. The examples are realistic and appropriate for the target age group, and in most cases only one way is shown to solve a problem. The layout is appealing, and small cartoon characters encourage readers: I can do this! and Wow! Anyone can do this! This series is not for readers without any knowledge of the subject; it would best be used for reference, to provide students with another approach to a concept, or to help teachers. These books cover about eight-plus school years of mathematics, so grade levels vary according to subject., School Library Journal Fall 2011