The 1950s Decade in Photos
Nostalgic photographs capture how America reached the peak of its power in the 1950s. The United States became a world leader in business, technology, and health care. The nation experienced a baby boom. Yet, not all was well. U.S. troops fought to a deadlock in Korea. The Soviet Union took an early lead in the Space Race. Americans worried about the presence of Soviet spies. Meanwhile, a young Elvis Presley helped introduce the world to rock and roll. Rosa Parks struck a blow against racial segregation. By refusing to give up her bus seat, she spurred the civil rights movement. Read how it all happened in the 1950s, the American decade.
* Reviews *
Each volume in this series consists of chapters that highlight major developments in national and world politics, history, medicine, the arts, sports, lifestyles, etc. The final chapter, "Looking Ahead," sets the stage for the next volume. The mainly color photographs and illustrations drive the easy-to-read narrative. Events such as the 1899 U.S. war in the Philippines to prevent its independence and the U.S. as a participant in the Boxer Rebellion are discussed. A small map showing the location of the event would have been useful. The essentially simple sentence structure works well for older students needing hi-lo resources. Bibliography. Chronology. Glossary. Websites. Index. Recommended., Library Media Connection March/April 2010