Biggest vs. Smallest Things with Wings
Can these foxes really fly? Is it a fox or is it a bat? Even though it's face looks like a fox it's actually a bat. It's one of the biggest bats in the world. The smallest bat is the bumblebee bat. It can fit on a person's thumb. Students read about and compare the biggest and smallest bats, moths, and birds.
* Reviews *
This series compares some of the worlds largest and smallest reptiles, insects, mammals, birds, and sea creatures. Each title examines three different pairs of animals. Maps are included to show where each animal lives, and the animals diet, weight, and unique adaptations are discussed. Large color photographs and generous amounts of white space make these titles very attractive for young readers. Photo captions and Fast Fact boxes highlight additional details. Most books include bold words that are defined at the beginning of the book. Bibliography. Glossary. Websites. Table of Contents. Index. Recommended., Library Media Connection May/June 2011
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