Melting, Freezing, and Boiling Science Projects with Matter
How can we change liquid into a solid or a gas? Can liquids disappear without boiling? What happens to gas when it is heated or cooled? Readers can answer these questions by doing the fun and simple experiments in this book. Readers will learn all about matter, the characteristics of different forms of matter and how matter can be changed. Great ideas for unique science fair projects are also included. The books in this series support the National Science Education Standards for K–4 Physical Science.
* Reviews *
This book of Fantastic Physical Science Experiments from Enslow Publishers offers not only ideas for experiments but inspiration for classroom demonstrations. It is written for students in grades 3 and 4 and covers many aspects of matter that are in standards for this grade range (states of matter, atoms and molecules as pieces of matter, and changes of state). It also covers some aspects that older students would also find helpful (solubility, surface tension, and expansion and contraction of matter).