Air Marshal and Careers in Transportation Security
After the tragic events of 9/11, the security of our nation's transportation systems became more necessary than ever. From screeners and inspectors to the air marshals keeping watch in the sky, thousands of men and women face unique challenges every day. Author Janet Souter goes inside the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Air Marshal Service to explain their responsibilities, what careers they offer, and how they keep passengers safe from harm.
* Reviews *
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Careers series. Published fall 2006. This series explores six government agencies involved in protecting the American public. Each book begins by recounting a specific act of terrorism or the precautions that prevented one. The purposes, responsibilities, and operations of the agency and its employees are then discussed. Career opportunities and pay scales are also explained. Photographs, inserts, and sidebars help enliven the dense text. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Fall 2007