Can You Find These Birds?
Start exploring. This little nature guide is perfect for the emerging reader. Readers will learn how to identify many common birds by reading about their traits and seeing photographs of the animal in nature. Readers will be excited to start naming the birds they see in the world around them.
* Reviews *
This series provides basic information on a variety of nature topics. Each title includes information about the topic in general and then focuses on many types of each. Each book includes beautiful color photographs and a "words to know" section. The text is basic but informative, and the font is large enough for primary grade students to read it without being intimidated. There are inset graphics and diagrams on each page. Students could use these titles to begin learning to read nonfiction and basic research skills. Curriculum leaders will find these titles useful for flexible groups and classroom instruction. Bibliography. Websites Table of Contents. Index. , Library Media Connection January/February 2013
Pre-K-1 IL
Pre-K-1 GRL