Can You Find These Bugs?
Don't be afraid of that bug, name it instead. This little nature guide is perfect for the emerging reader. Readers learn how to identify many common insects by reading about their traits and seeing photographs of the bug in nature. Readers will be excited to start naming the insects they see in the world around them.
* Reviews *
Simple yet engaging, these little books will be useful in the classroom. Beginning with a few lines of introduction to the topic, each spread discusses a specific species or type, nine in all. Birds includes cardinals, house sparrows, and robins; Flowers includes forget-me-nots, dandelions, and sunflowers. A large, full-color photo on the left faces four to seven sentences on the right. The subjects selected are common; they're good choices for this age group as children have a good chance at finding them in the real world, which is helpful for connecting to the material. Teachers will enjoy sharing these short books, especially if they match a curriculum topic., School Library Journal December 2012
Pre-K-1 IL
Pre-K-1 GRL