Celebrated African-American Novelists
Author Amy Graham explores the lives and literary works of nine influential writers in this book. From Harriet Adams to Ernest Gaines and Alice Walker, each short biography ends with a brief timeline of the person's life and achievements.
* Reviews *
These volumes illuminate 8 to 10 notable individuals from various categories. Featured subjects are chosen from various time periods, beginning with earlier figures and working up to the present day. For example, Actors covers Paul Robeson (1898-1976) to Halle Berry (1966). An introductory chapter places the individuals' lives in historical, social, and political context, and then devotes one chapter for each subject. The people profiled range from little known to well known (e.g., Novelists explores the life and work of both Harriet Adams Wilson and Toni Morrison). Each book is attractively laid out and organized. The texts flow well, and color and black-and-white photos are pleasingly reproduced., School Library Journal Fall 2012
5-6 IL
5-12+ GRL