Deadly Storm Alert!
Twisting tornadoes leveled small towns in Florida. Floods washed out roads and homes in Peru. Severe droughts in Indonesia caused roaring forest fires, leaving animals starving. Is it possible that all these deadly disasters were caused by the same weather event? Yes, and its name is El Nino. This weather pattern causes a pool of warm water to form in the Pacific Ocean, which impacts climate conditions around the world. El Nino also has a dangerous little sister, La Nina. Author Carmen Bredeson explores the causes and effects of El Nino and La Nina, and looks at stories from survivors and rescue workers that have seen their wrath.
* Reviews *
While the events introduced here happened in the recent past and may be fresh on the minds of adults, younger readers will appreciate the complete coverage in these books, originally published at least 10 years ago. The quality of these short titles is good, and the informational texts are written in a way that lend themselves to a cover-to-cover read. Columbine and Oklahoma City also give context to these devastating incidents, describing events before, during, and after the disasters and related actions in the intervening years. Although the pictures and images are stock photos, they are captioned and adequately show the range of devastation and destruction to the affected people and geographic regions. The final chapters and back matter have been updated to aid in the understanding of these events. Columbine does contain an image of the shooters in the cafeteria as well as information about the bombs they made and details of the students and teacher who were killed that day, so it might not be the best choice for some collections., School Library Journal December 2012