Don't Be a Copycat!
How do you research and write a great report? How do you do it without copying or plagiarizing? What does "plagiarizing" mean, anyway? Readers find out in this fun reference book on information literacy for young readers and writers. This book covers good research and note-taking techniques, what plagiarism is (and isn't), how to give proper credit for source materials, and much more.
* Reviews *
Published spring 2008. This title explains what plagiarism is, why it's wrong, and how to write a report without copying. The history of copyright protection is briefly explored, followed by a step-by-step guide to proper research and writing methods. Though it's far from enticing, the volume, illustrated with stock photographs and cartoons, is informative and accessible and could help students better understand the report-writing process. Reading list, websites. Bib., glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2009
3--5 IL
3-5 GRL