Earth-Friendly Wood Crafts in 5 Easy Steps

Readers will use cork and wood to create creatures and games. All it takes is just five simple steps to make extraordinary crafts from ordinary items that are lying around. Readers will have fun and go green, making race cars out of clothespins, a dinosaur out of cork, a city out of wood, and much more.

* Reviews *

Each of these books contains 14 projects, all of which can be made from either common household items or those that are inexpensive and easily obtainable. The crafts are sufficiently varied, so boys and girls should find them appealing. Color photos illustrate the steps. One objection would be that on the spread about making a mandala in Nuts, there is no indication that it has any other significance than just being a design. Papier-Mache, oddly, does not have a recipe for the titular material. There is no explanation of why earth-friendly crafts are important. The simplicity of many of the projects, particularly those in Clay, make them suitable for burgeoning crafters., School Library Journal Fall 2013
Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-0-7660-4193-6
Author: Anna Llimós
Copyright: 2014
Reading Level: Grades 3--5
Interest Level: Grades 3-5
Dewey: 684
Pages: 32
Dimensions: 8 5/8" x 9"
Full-Color Photographs, Illustrations