Easy Breakfasts From Around the World
Author Sheila Griffin Llanas explores a variety of globe-spanning recipes that feature ingredients such as chorizo, honey, fava beans, coconut, and pineapple. Readers will discover how to make googs and soldiers from Australia, pannukakku from Finland, and French toast with coconut syrup from the Caribbean. Breakfast has never tasted so good. Readers find out how to become a better cook, and how to stay safe in the kitchen.
* Reviews *
Books in this series feature 11 simple, well-chosen recipes apiece, each from a different country. Children can learn to make tzatziki (Greece), bnh m (Vietnam), khichadi (India), or akwadu (Ghana). The pages are peppered with interesting facts about each country as well as information about key ingredients or techniques, e.g., readers will learn how yogurt and pickles are made. Besides the volume dedicated to vegetarian dishes, many recipes are meatless. Full-color stock photos of ingredients and tools will help guide the cooks, and each recipe features an image of the completed dish. Though there are more familiar choices for less adventurous eaters, even young chefs with well-traveled palates will find some surprises here., School Library Journal Fall 2011