I See Rectangles
Are there rectangles to be found at school? Emerging readers learn about common things shaped like rectangles in their schoolroom while practicing basic reading.
* Reviews *
Different familiar objects at school are rectangular in shape. This story is an introduction to identifying rectangles. For the emergent reader, there are many features to navigate. There is a table of contents listing the page for the vocabulary, beginning of the story, resources, and index. The format of the book is both consistent and inconsistent in some areas. There are color pictures on the left page and one to two lines of text on the right; yet, some sentences are split on two pages. Although the book is leveled as guided reading B, there are parts of the reading that may be difficult for emergent readers. The text language structure seems awkward like the sentence, On one I draw. The picture indirectly supports the text such that reader must infer the subject of the sentence from the color photograph. The sentence structures are different. Adults using this book with children may find that using it in read aloud with conversation about rectangles may be better than using the book in guided reading. At the back of the book, readers will find a couple additional books about rectangles and websites to explore. This book is part of the All about Shapes series and there is no consultant listed for the book., Children's Literature
Pre-K-1 IL
Pre-K-1 GRL