Jazzy Science Projects with Sound and Music
Can we feel the vibrations made by sounds? How does sound travel through air? Are two ears better than one? How do musical instruments produce sound? The exciting experiments in this book will unlock the mysteries of sound and music. Some will even give ideas for their own science fair. Readers learn how to make musical notes, how we hear, and much more. All they need are some simple materials, most of which can be found around the home, school, or neighborhood.
* Reviews *
How do violins, pianos and other musical instruments make sound? How does sound travel? How do humans hear? Unlock the secrets to these and many other questions by doing fun hands-on experiments using simple materials that can be found around the home or school. Section titles include: Thickness, Length and Pitch, Matching Vibrations, Glassy Tunes, and much more. Science project ideas are included at the end of each section. Easy-to-read experiments and explanations, plus colorful, cartoonlike illustrations and diagrams are sure to appeal to young readers. The book includes many useful features such as a table of contents, glossary, bibliographical references, and an index. A great resource for a music or science class. Especially helpful for planning a science fair. Good for independent reading. Children who enjoy this type of book will want to look for other science books in the Fantastic Physical Science Experiments series. 2006, Enslow Publishers, $23.93. Ages 8 to 12., Children's Literature