Milk and Dairy
Vibrant, full-color photographs and simple sentences encourage beginning readers while showing them how healthy dairy products can be served for breakfast, lunch, snack time, or dinner.
* Reviews *
Calcium is a very important part of a childs diet. The National Food Pyramid recommends two to three servings of milk, yogurt or cheese every day to help the body to build strong bones and teeth, and to maintain health. The US Dairy Council suggests that not getting enough milk and dairy during preschool years may lead to weight gain in adolescence. Thats what makes this book so important for parents to read to preschoolers. The first page of the book shows a preschooler drinking a glass of milk. The child sees other kids happily drinking milk and eating dairy with a smile, so they will want to, too. The book introduces dairy in everyday meals like cheese on omelets for breakfast, grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, and the ever favorite mac and cheese for dinner. And theres yummy frozen yogurt for dessert. The short, simple sentences make it easy to help sound out new words. The photos enhance the text to keep the preschooler interested. The author did a great job of complementing each page with a full photo on one side, and easy to read, two-sentence text on the other. The book introduces at least nine different milk and dairy meals., Children's Literature
Pre-K-1 IL
Pre-K-1 GRL