Physics Projects with a Light Box You Can Build
Readers learn to build their own light box with simple materials from their home. Then start experimenting. Readers will learn all about reflection, refraction, and colors. Start understanding images in a mirror and how to measure the level of light intensity. Many experiments are followed by great ideas for science fair projects.
* Reviews *
Young scientists can expand their knowledge of physics by performing some or all of the experiments that are explained in this book. Each of the scientific activities requires a light box, and the first chapter provides directions for building one. Subsequent chapters provide instructions for experiments that reflect light, refract light, or involve lights and colors. Each chapter contains at least five different experiments. The directions for each one are very specific, and each step is written with great detail. Simple diagrams are included to help the reader to understand and follow the steps. Most of the items needed to conduct the experiments can be found around the house. There is an emphasis on safety and, in some cases, adult supervision will be needed. Each experiment has questions that prompt the reader to analyze the results and make conclusions. Some of these questions may even generate ideas for science fair projects. Readers of this book will surely gain an interest in physics, and a few may even seek to learn more about this fascinating topic., Children's Literature January 2008
5-6 IL
5-12+ GRL