Sharpen Your Business Letter Writing Skills
Readers find out how to produce professional looking business letters. In addition, they'll learn how to write resumes, memos, proposals, reports, even e-mails and faxes. And once readers know how to write their business document, they'll find out the best way to present it as well as get it where it has to go.
* Reviews *
Although the title suggests the focus of this book is business letters, it is in fact about business writing in general, including letters, memoranda, resumes, e-mail, reports, proposals, personal writing, and applications. The general purpose and format of each is described. Determining the purpose of your document is the first step; specifically, the authors recommend readers determine what they hope to accomplish, and then frame everything in the document to achieve that goal. Understanding who your target audience will be and choosing an appropriate style or tone for your communication are the next topics. Then readers should collect information and organize it. The parts of business letters, resumes, reports, memos, and proposals are described in enough detail to guide young writers. Emphasis is placed on the importance of revising, editing, and proofreading so that the finished product makes a positive first impression. A glossary, a list of resources for further readings, and an index follow the chapters. This is an accessible resource for middle grade classroom or libraries needing material on the topic. Part of the "Sharpen Your Writing Skills" series., Children's Literature
6-7 IL
6-12+ GRL