So You Want to Work in Animation and Special Effects?
This book focuses on the art of animation and special effects. Modern technology allows today's filmmakers to put up on the screen anything they can conceive of, from otherworldly landscapes to fantastic creatures. As a result, a career in animation and special effects has become one of the most exciting of the filmmaking industry, as well as a career with the most potential for growth.
* Reviews *
Careers in Film and Television series. This series provides an overview of the kinds of work screenwriters, directors, and animators do. The books will be most useful to readers already familiar with the films and television shows to which they refer. Occasional full-page boxed text is awkwardly inserted into the middle of expositions on other topics. The many visuals (mostly movie stills) are generally well chosen. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Fall 2007
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