Tiki Barber
Tiki Barber is the outstanding running back for the New York Giants of the National Football League. He was the league's top yardage gainer from the line of scrimmage in 2005 and is the all-time leader in rushing yards in Giants history. Off the field, Barber has been involved with programs designed to fight breast cancer, autism, muscular dystrophy, domestic violence and many others. When a charitable cause calls, Tiki always answers. His 21 Club, which raises funds based on his performance on the field, supports the Children's Miracle Network and art education.
* Reviews *
Sports Stars with Heart series. Adulatory biographies of popular contemporary athletes focus mostly on their impressive careers. Their childhoods are also highlighted, as are their philanthropic works and any struggles with adversity. Each volume is filled with action photographs and play-by-play details (though the Timberwolves' assertion, "We're not going to trade Kevin Garnett" proved false). Appended material includes career stats and achievements. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2008